martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Education and Society

Education and Society

The subject clearly establishes the influence of education in education as the hub of any development policy. It relates the education, development and social equity, it demonstrates the need to take priority commitment to quality and equity in order to enhance sustainable development and human importance of education as a function of education as an investment and assign the true role socialization and values ​​transmitidor.
The subject clearly establishes the influence of education in education as the hub of any development policy. It relates the education, development and social equity, it demonstrates the need to take priority commitment to quality and equity in order to enhance sustainable development and human importance of education as a function of education as an investment and assign the true role socialization and  values ​​transmitidor.

Education and Society provides a forum, where teachers and scholars throughout the world, are able to evaluate current issues and problems in education and society from a balanced and comparative social, cultural and economic perspective. Education and Society, a fully refereed journal, is used by teachers, academics, research scholars, educational administrators and graduate students.


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