lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

General Didactics I

General Didactics I
Enables the teacher so that it can facilitate student learning and help build their knowledge. So important to the teacher have a broad and deep technical mastery of his specialty, and learn, how to teach the student. The difficulty in student learning comes in many occasions didactics difficulty or inability of the teacher, rather than the nature of the content itself, or other intrinsic factors of student learning.

In this course, the students first develop a general frame of reference to analyse and study learning and instruction situations. Next to microlevel issues (at classroom level), they will be introduced to a mesolevel approach (school and school community level) and the macrolevel approach (policy, legislation, and external (contextual) actors that influence their instructional approach and orientation.
A second major theme discusses - on the base of theories and examples from practice - different approaches towards learning and instruction that influence current practices in schools (behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism). In this context, the personal perceptions and conceptions of the student-teachers will be considered (conceptions of learning, approaches to study, etc.). In relation to the different approaches, also different types of knowledge will be dealt with (declarative, procedure and metacognitive knowledge).
A third theme discusses curriculum issues. Teachers are a central actor to implement general objectives, developmental objectives and instructional plans at the microlevel. But they also influence the curriculum at meso-level.
A fourth theme introduces student teachers to the issue of assessment and evaluation. Next to the microlevel, als evaluation at meso- and macrolevel are discussed. This implies an introduction to school assessment, school effectiveness studies, school performance indicators and international comparative studies.
A fifth theme discusses "individual differences" in learners and teachers that influence instructional experiences and practices. Subthemes are: motivation, selfregulation, study skills, learning styles, age differences and teaching styles.
The five themes are the base of "tasks" that students have to elaborate in a freely chosen school setting and school subject (dependent on diploma orientation of the student). The tasks are the base for the working seminars in the second semester.

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