lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Gross Motor

Gross Motor Skills

  • Gross motor output entails the use of large muscles for participating in athletic events and accomplishing a range of other activities.

  • To perform adequately in physical activity a child must be able to form judgments regarding various kinds of incoming data and respond quickly with appropriate and accurate muscle movements. While in the process of a motor activity the individual must make use of ongoing sensory feedback.

  • Gross motor memory is vital at this stage as it allows a child to recall the muscular steps used in the past for successful performance. Numerous muscles and muscles groups must be properly and rapidly engaged, so that the right muscles are accomplishing the appropriate necessary steps at the right time. For some children these processes can be nearly instinctive and for other continual training and discipline will be required.

Below are a number of examples of indicators of average motor development within children across a varying age range.
48 months
May ascend a ladder by leading with alternate feet. Broad jumps approximately 0.61 meter. Balances on one foot for 8 seconds. Is able to hop on one foot. Catches objects that have been thrown. Jumps in place with two feet. Jumps from 0.61 meter box with two feet.

52 months
Displays highly synchronous walking. Descends stairs by leading with alternate feet.

56 months
Descends ladder by leading with alternate feet. Is able to hop seven or more steps on one foot. Throws 0.08 meter ball 3.05 meter.

5 years
Is beginning to skip. Walks backward heel to toe. Walks like an adult. Gallops. Throws a 0.23 meter ball approximately 3.05 meters. Hops ten or more steps on one foot.

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