sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011




A common superstition says that if you break a mirror you have seven years of bad luck, but supposedly there is a remedy to counteract the curse, and pick up the pieces of the mirror and put them in a bucket of water for seven days and seven nights.
It is also said that bad luck will haunt you if you spill salt, and the remedy for this happening is to take a little of the salt shed and pull it back over your left shoulder.
Another less famous superstition is that if you run into a redhead have bad luck for as many days as you have buttons on your shirt. To counter this, you have to play one of the buttons on your shirt.
Another source of bad luck is walking under a ladder, because, as I have heard, is like "challenge" to God.
Black cat
It is also said that it's bad luck to cross ahead you a black cat.
Bad luck on Tuesday and 13, or the number thirteen to dry.
Unfortunately, the show attracts an umbrella on a roofing site.

There are also superstitions to bring good luck.
An amulet is an object superstitiously ascribed to a supernatural virtue to ward off harm or distress or to provide some, such as the famous legs of rabbits, owls luck, Egyptian scarab, the cross of Caravaca or elephant figurines with their trunks up.
It is also said that the salt has the power to ward off evil spirits.
• They say a woman should not be allowed to run out of salt in your house, you should never be without salt at home because it brings bad luck.
• When you fall over and over things, who is said to be agreeing with me, which is falling down around me!
• Da bad luck to step on the lines of the tiles or pavement:
• Who treads line, stepping medal of the child Jesus on the cross.
• If you get red ears is that they are talking about you, but (if the right ear) or bad (if left).
• When you feel a sudden chill is that someone just step on what will be your grave.
• When you experience ringing in the ears is that someone is speaking ill of you.
• Give up bad luck with the left foot.
• Da bad luck put bread on the table upside down.
• Of those who have always kind, is said to have been born with a flower in the ass, or star, and further: some are born with star and crashed.
• If you saw flying a thistle, had to make a wish and blow them to lie down to fly.
• If you leave white spots under the nails is that you are a liar.
• If you experience ringing in the ears is that you are watching from a NASA satellite.
• Also make a wish when you see a shooting star and blow out the candles on the birthday cake.
• An oath is worthless if you do it while you cross your fingers. 


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