sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011


Why  disappear children.
vThe first is kidnap.
vThe reason, the money
vWhy have children?.
v What do you do with them?.
v Why do you hide the information about the crimes they suffer?.
v And specifically, why children?.
v These are terrible questions that many of us are doing in recent years, answers questions that are not where it should if any, sectors of power, media, police, justice, and we will try to unravel as we can through these paragraphs only with the material that has been investigated as a shield and a computer keyboard as a weapon.
vThere are three types of enforced disappearance, but the most common are the disappearances in a mass grave after an execution, and disappearance of children who are spoofs. In the first case, the auto de Garzón has set up a list that goes to the 143,353 people, all identified, but may be many more as the number of disappearances has been increasing as they advanced research.
An estimated one million children go missing worldwide each year.
vAnd what is the fate of these missing children?. Some will be brutally raped and eventually murdered in a brutal manner, while being filmed in the act to satisfy the curiosity of thousands of insane perverts who pay up to $ 25,000 for these videos, called "snuff films" that report to the murderers million dollars by growing your hunger for the hunt for new victims.

vOnly in Italy was discovered more than 1,500 consumers in these films.
vIt is easy to count.
vOther children will be killed by cult of worshipers of gods or demons criminals who, according to these fans, asking "blood of innocents."
vOthers will be trained as sex slaves to entertain perverted brotherhood of great power who rule the world, and this, perhaps the most widely-spoken pains to hide the "parties" held in luxurious residences which have been reached flashy cars with dark tinted windows, and sometimes even limousines, vehicles it off are sometimes camouflaged protected custodians of personalities and even secret agents.

Ramon: Child offerings to the Gods Category: Murder - Tags: DEATH TRIAL Satanic rituals, murder Ramon CURRENT - casospoliciales -

Bound, drugged, abused it, burned him with cigarettes and decapitated. WAS ALL PART OF A RITUAL OF BLOOD AND DEATH. Ramon GONZALEZ HAD 12 YEARS, WAS A STREET kid who grew up in a village of some sixty thousand inhabitants in Corrientes. THROWS HIS DETAILS gruesome deaths in these three years writing the relatively ESCALOFRIANTES.HOY Although there SEVEN DETAINED, JUSTICE STILL NOT PUT ON TRIAL DATE TO ONE OF THE MOST macabre ritual murders mobilize an entire province.

Ramon was the son of a prostitute, raised in the streets of Mercedes.Pese all went to school, had friends and dreamed of a better future. On October 6, 2006 he was captured by deception for "offering to the gods." According to the record "work" was commissioned by a powerful businessman correntino to a 20-year-old Cesar "The Wizard" Bequeristain
Child stealing
Robbery, kidnapping and abduction of minors has become a national security issue, as it worsens every day, according to records from the Mexican press. Are stolen each year in Mexico 20 000 children and whose fate is pornography, trafficking in organs or in the best case, adoption, presumptively illegal
vIn early 1935, a passenger ship bound for the port of Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. In its stern had written his name in Hebrew letters, "Tel Aviv", while a Nazi swastika flag flew on the mast. And although the ship was Zionist owned, its captain was a member of the National Socialist German. Many years later a traveler aboard the ship, reversed this symbolic combination as a "metaphysical absurdity." (1) Absurd or not, this is just an illustration of a little-known chapter of history: collaboration in a range between Zionism and Hitler's Third Reich.


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