lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Linguistic Intelligence

Linguistic Intelligence 

Linguistic Intelligence is basically (as the name suggests) the intelligence of language and communication. This includes the ability to speak, articulate, and express, and convey one's thoughts and feelings to the outside would. 

Language, in its most basic principle, is a set of tools and materials used to build up and express thoughts and feelings of one to another. As in building a structure, there is a certain method, a way of arranging the steps of what you should do first, and this is commonly known as grammar. But although the same principles are used for building any sort of structure, the end products are usually very vastly varied, ranging from the boring, squarish shape, to great feats of architecture like the Sydney Opera house. 

Likewise, those who are gifted in linguistic intelligence are able to communicate their viewpoints in a clear, beautiful, and refined manner. Take poets for example. Poets have already reached such a high state of linguistic ability that they are able to convert the expression of language as an art, attempting to use language to describe an abstract idea and concept in a few words. 

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